Who is your illness inviting you to become?

Calling All Empaths, Highly Sensitive People, Healers, and Healers-to-Be... 


This is your invitation to stop hiding your light under the armor of chronic symptoms and illness.


Your sensitivity, the way you so clearly see the world, the way you understand and anticipate human needs and behaviors, the depths of your emotions and intensity of your feelings...


These are your GIFTS. And...

Unless you were brought up in a highly attuned, very safe, and very loving environment, it is very likely that these gifts felt like curses and were used against you.


👉 Your capacity to see and feel what was needed likely translated to you stepping into an adult role early in life, mopping up the emotional messes and needs of your caregivers... providing more care, space, insight, and presence than was ever given to you.

👉 Your deeply attuned emotions and feelings meant you became everyone's counselor, absorbing and holding things you never should have been asked to carry.

👉 Meanwhile, your own rich and complex emotional needs went unmet continually, eventually going underground permanently to protect your heart.


And that's when you got sick.


While protecting yourself in this way has worked for a time, I need you to hear me when I say:


This armor is keeping you stuck in a cycle of illness.


The only way to truly heal is to lay it down and let your light shine as it was truly meant to.


I know that can be a terrifying thought, which is why I created the Sacred Illness™ Community for Wounded Healers such as yourself.


This is a safe space where you can work through all that stands between how you are showing up now, and who you are being called to become in this lifetime.



Ready to learn more?

Let's Begin

 Click the button below to see enrollment options + get started in our healing community.


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"It's giving me my life back."

"Since starting the Sacred Illness™ program just a few months ago, I have seen major shifts in my chronic, lifelong anxiety and depression. This is huge, as I have been in therapy for years, have tried every medication on the market, and even did several rounds of TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) for these issues without much change.

I am also seeing improvements in my overall energy as well as decreased pain with my autoimmune condition (rheumatoid arthritis). 

A few weeks into this program taught me more about myself and gave me more support than years and years of therapy ever did! I highly recommend this program to anyone who has been searching for help and coming up empty. It is giving me my life back." 

- Jamie R.

What is a Wounded Healer?


You are a Wounded Healer if you have experienced pain and suffering and are now using these experiences to fuel, inform, or shape your capacity and desire to help others.

The most powerful, profound, and transformative healing experiences occur at the hands of Wounded Healers. 


These are healers who do not pretend to have it all figured out.


Instead, they are genuine, embodied, human beings who make space for everything and everyone to show up exactly as they are.


This is the medicine.


When we create space for others to just be who they are, and embody the reality that healing does not equate to perfection, constant good health, flawless skin, forever stable mood and positive attitude...


We set everyone free.


This is the gift you have to offer the world through your own genuine humanness and experiences. 

Hear me when I say:


Your power as a healer is BECAUSE of your wounds.

BECAUSE of your symptoms, your diagnoses, your challenges, your struggles.  

Not in SPITE of them.


When you learn to allow them a seat at the table, embracing them as part of your entire, whole, beautiful self... 

Your capacity to help others will know no bounds


If you are ready to remove whatever stands between you and embodying the full expression of your healing work, click the button below to learn more and get started!


Learn More👇

Kimberly's Story


Does this Sound Familiar?


You are interested in doing healing work, or are doing healing work, but never feel quite ready to step fully into it, whatever that means for you.


Maybe you are practicing in a way you were taught that doesn't feel quite right...


Or you can't quite seem to bring yourself to let certain aspects of your work go in order to focus on what you really love, for fear you won't be successful...


Or you just never feel ready enough, so you keep taking classes or getting additional certifications, but as soon as you complete the next level of training you find something else you definitely need before getting started...


The truth is, so many of our wounds surround not feeling worthy or good enough to be just who we are, so we will always find a reason to not bring our work into the world.


Meanwhile, we are missing the fact that it is this beautiful, wounded soul that is actually the most powerful and profound medicine there is.


The time is now . It's time to take off the mask, to remove the layers between who you think you need to be and who you truly ARE...


And let your medicine, your gift, flow through you and into this world exactly how it looks and feels in your dreams, your intuition, your heart.


Withholding your gift is a disservice to you, and to the world. We need you, now.


Are you ready??



Let's Begin

 Click the button below to get started!


Let's Begin!



So who am I, and what's the story behind this Wounded Healers thing?

I'm so glad you asked!


I'm Dr. Erin.

I'm a Naturopathic Doctor, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner®, and mind-body specialist.


I was diagnosed with an "incurable" autoimmune condition that changed the course of my life.

Not only did it lead me to healing work, but my journey forever changed my understanding of what illness is all about, and what is needed to heal it. 

And it wasn't...




Strict diets

Nonstop lab testing


Countless hours with a talk therapist


...Although I tried all of those things and more.


It was only once I stopped seeking external support and began to actually tune in and listen to my symptoms when everything shifted.

It turns out the medicine was inside of me the whole time. 


Listening to my symptoms guided me on a journey of peeling back layer upon layer of trauma and past conditioning, reconnecting me with my body, my emotions, my needs, my desires... and ultimately my Self.


Because of this, I know without a doubt that illness is a Sacred Guide with one purpose:

To get you back to who you are and who you are meant to be.


Who is your illness inviting you to become?


 Inside of Sacred Illness™, you will be guided step-by-step to find the answer to this question as you delve into this powerful self-healing, expansive work.


Are you ready to get started?


Yes! Let's do this > > >

The Sacred Illness™ Community 

A space for Wounded Healers



When you enroll you will gain immediate access to:

 The Signature Sacred Illness™ Blueprint

The Blueprint is the step-by-step self-healing guide back to your Self.

This 5-module digital course contains the exact methodology I used to heal my own illness as well as countless clients—and yet is not one-size-fits-all but rather supports you as a unique human as you peel back the layers and uncover the message of your individual symptoms.

Here's what you'll learn:

Exclusive Masterclasses + Workshops

New classes and workshops cover topics that are pivotal to the mind-body healing journey and that are intended to take what you have learned in the Blueprint and go even deeper in order for you to continue to continue to peel back the layers that stand between your Self and embodying your light and healing work.

 And as a member, you will also gain access to all past masterclasses in the members-only Masterclass Archives.

Past classes have included:

Group Coaching Calls

Each month, gather together with my team, myself, and your community for an hour-long virtual call.

Think of it as a monthly inspiration to fuel your self-healing journey with real life questions, challenges, insights, breakthroughs, and more shared by your fellow community members as they weave their way on this path alongside you.

We'll start with a grounding somatic practice, and then delve into your questions, providing individualized guidance and support.

 Can't make it live? No problem! It will be recorded, and you can also presubmit any questions you want answered live on the call.

Weekly Somatic Yoga

Each week, you are invited to a live, 30-minute somatic yoga class to help you continue to walk the talk, deeply embodying the changes you are working on internally so that they infuse all aspects of your being.

If you can't attend live, all classes are recorded and added to the Library (see below).

Private Community Access

You are not walking this path alone.

The Community is an exclusive members-only space where you can connect with like-minded people on their healing journeys, bond over similarities, provide encouragement, ask questions, and find the motivation needed to continue to engage in the work.

This is also where we can be accountable to the work, staying on task with modules and journaling prompts and the daily practice. 


Healing Resources Library

 Members gain immediate access to our healing resources library that has guided EFT sessions for tapping through and removing common stuck emotions, guided self-hypnosis sessions for accessing deeply ingrained subconscious + limiting beliefs, somatic embodiment practices for working directly with symptoms and changing our relationship with them, and more! This library is a goldmine of mind-body goodness and is worth the cost of the membership in and of itself!


Three of THE biggest blocks to success are:

Fear of Failure

Fear of Success

Fear of the Unknown


When–not IF, but when—these blocks arise on your journey, this library offers the tools needed to explore, understand, and heal all that is in your way.


Business Coaching, Money Mindset, and More

Coming soon, we will be offering business coaching to help support you in bringing your business to life, or transforming your already existing business into the work of your dreams.

We will also be offering workshops and support around money mindset, one of the biggest blocks for those of us in this work as we correlate it directly to our worth.

Ready to get started?

 Click the button below to begin your journey!

Enroll Now!




You are ready to deeply understand the why behind your symptoms and illness.


You want to feel empowered and in control of what is going on with your body—and know exactly what to do about it.


You want to view the challenges that arise in your healing journey less as obstacles and more as profound invitations to step fully into your purpose as a healer.


You want to feel safe and strong in your Self so that you can bring forward your healing work without question, hesitation, fear, or shame.


You want to feel free in all ways: free from past programming, free from the grasp of trauma, free from people-pleasing tendencies or the habit of playing small... free to be YOURSELF, intimately connected to your intuition, needs, wants, and desires at all times... and 100% unafraid to pursue them. 


If this is a full-body HELL YES for you, click the button below and join us!!

Enroll Now!



Forever changed my life

"The Sacred Illness Program is exactly what it states in the title. Dr. Erin gives you her wealth of self healing knowledge in well formed modules. The self paced aspect is empowering and allows for you to follow your intuition on what you need for your healing. Her program embraces the uniqueness of each person regardless of diagnosis. This program was more than I could have asked for! Being able to take my healing into my own hands with a well thought out and loving guide was a game changer for me. It helped me realize that I don’t have to hope to find someone who understands me because it showed me that my understanding of myself is a key to healing. The group coaching and community aspect really helped me feel less alone in my journey and it was nice to celebrate wins with so many other self healers. I highly recommend all of Dr. Erin’s work. She really is compassionate, loving and guides you through the many layers of this journey with grace and reminds you that you have everything you need within you to heal. She has forever changed my life and her work is revolutionary and empowering!" - O.B.

TRULY life changing...

"I am only on week 3 of the Sacred Illness Blueprint but I can feel things changing already. The guided meditation, somatic processing and journal prompts are INTENSE. I have identified a lot of self-defeating thoughts that were lurking in the shadows, and am facing them head on. This program is TRULY life changing." - Stormie C.

Recommend for anyone

"Dr. Erin and the program were life changing. I loved being able to connect with other students who were suffering in similar ways to grow, learn, and celebrate successes together.  It was so helpful to hear the materials through so many lenses of experience and I have made lifelong friendships as a result. The program material was well researched and presented in a clear manner. Having access to the course afterwards is also a huge plus because there are many ways to revisit the material and continue engaging with the content. I recommend this program to anyone wanting to better understand themselves and the ways that the body can heal. And especially to those who have felt othered or isolated due to chronic illness." -Lauren D.

I am not the same! I am healing!

"The progress I’ve made, the awareness I have, and the shifts toward acceptance, how I’m beginning to view my body with more compassion than I’ve ever been able to manage – I am not the same! I am healing, and I am celebrating that!" - Jen S

Gave me hope for the first time in a long time...

"I simply cannot find the words to adequately express my gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Erin.  She changed my life and gave me hope for the first time in a very long time dealing with a chronic illness. She goes above and beyond with the perfect mixture of knowledge and compassion. I highly recommended her. Thank you, Dr. Erin, for all you do!" - Lena B

Allowed me to reconnect with myself...

"Working with Dr. Erin has allowed me to reconnect with not only my body, but my emotions and energy as well! I have learned so much about myself and my needs, and have been helped every step of the way!"- Jordyn M

Enroll Now!

Sacred Healing Membership for Wounded Healers


Monthly Membership

  • Delve deep into the self-healing process with full access to the signature Sacred Illness™ Blueprint
  • Get your questions answered and be seen in your journey on group coaching calls that give you the opportunity for 1:1 coaching and support
  • Get inspired, make connections, and expand your vision through the Community Forums
  • Embody your vision and connect deeply with yourself in Somatic Yoga Classes
  • Access all past and future masterclasses and workshops taught by Dr. Erin and other industry experts
  • Delve deep into the incredible Healing Resources Library, filled with guided EFT sessions, self-hypnosis sessions, somatic practices and more!
  • And, gain unlimited access to any and all upcoming and new features, including business coaching, money energetics and mindset, and more!

Because it takes time to rewrite new neural pathways and understand what is blocking your healing and success, we require all new members to enroll for an initial 3-month membership. After that, you can cancel any time.

Become a founding member of this powerful community and gain access to founding member pricing for a limited time. Join now and begin your journey with just a few clicks!

Enroll Now!




Disclaimer: The opinions listed here are not that of Facebook™ or Instagram™ and represent only Aurora Somatic Medicine, LLC. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.