At Aurora Somatic Medicine, we are committed to exploring and healing the root causes of chronic illness by fostering a profound understanding of the inseparable link between mind and body.

Through educational, community, and 1:1 support, our mission is to stand at the forefront of a paradigm shift that rewrites the narrative on illness and healing, empowering you to uncover the limitless potential of your health.

Dr. Erin Hayford, Founder

Naturopathic Doctor, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Dr. Erin is a passionate advocate for holistic health and mind-body medicine expert. She specializes in helping individuals attain their version of optimal well-being

In her early twenties, Dr. Erin found herself stuck in a relentless cycle of physical pain, mental exhaustion, and emotional turmoil. Her life took an unexpected turn when she received a diagnosis of an incurable autoimmune condition, which left her with a seemingly bleak prognosis. Fueled by an unwavering determination to defy this fate, she devoted the subsequent decade to unearthing a better way to health.

Through years of trial and error, her symptoms gradually faded, and today, her condition is in remission. This deeply personal and educational journey forged her life's purpose – rewriting the narrative on illness and health. Dr. Erin is dedicated to illuminating the extraordinary healing potential innate within our own bodies.

Out of this transformation emerged the Sacred Illness framework, a blueprint that outlines the exact methodology she employed to reclaim her own health as well of the health of countless one-on-one clients. This framework is taught both inside 1:1 sessions as well as the group coaching program.

Dr. Erin's is a Naturopathic Doctor, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner® (SEP), and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She completed a postdoctoral residency working with individuals grappling with chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety, depression, substance use disorders, and disordered eating. Dr. Erin's educational foundation includes undergraduate degrees in nutrition and herbal medicine.


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Our Team

Oriana Broderick

Oriana is a coach within The Sacred Illness Group Coaching Program. Coming from a psychology background and having walked the steps of her own healing journey, she provides valuable guidance, support, and inspiration to all community members.

"Working with Dr. Erin has completely and positively transformed my life! It was hard work, but her support made it all possible."

Bethany W.

"Dr. Erin is wonderful! She looks at all aspects of a problem and helps mentally, emotionally, and physically."

Trish W.